NOW PLAYING...Soul Man-Sam n Dave-Wow..I'd better be careful...inspiring all these great songs might just go to my head!
EDD: The phrase 'I don't have the heart' comes to mind folks...!

EDDY:Guess who just got sacked from the Chippendales for being too darn gorgeous, bay-bee! EDD: I dunno, but point him out next time you see him, Eddy!
Use Ed Or Lose Ed!
Eddy: The Motherload awaits at this boomtangin' website provider that we call home! EDD: Not to be biased, but here at the Gravytrain we recommenend Freeservers for its 20MB space, quick-answering help board, easy-to-learn html guide and lots of other great features for FREE! click here and find out how to give your website the pazzazz it deserves!
Midi Search Engine
Eddy: Let MIDI Explorer track down those essential MIDI grooves! We gotta tell ya, we'd go after one song and come back with literally 30 sometimes! It's really extensive, well worth a look!
AOL Midi Exchange Mailing List
EDD: So you've looked everywhere for that one song and you're just about to call it a day...but wait! The MIDI you're after may be lying around collecting dust in someone's hard drive somewhere on this planet....and that's where AOL Midi Exchange comes in! Make a request(e.g REQ: Ed Edd n Eddy Theme) and chances are someone who sees your post will send it right on-presto! We retrieved many of our MIDIS here, inc "memory" from cats, "Another Day In Paradise" by Phil Collins, "Every Morning" by Sugar Ray and many more besides. You can download what other people have requested too! Miss it and miss out!
Dave's MIDI Webpage
Eddy:Will Smith, Stardust, Mariah Carey, Christina, Britney and tons more are ready and waiting at Dave's MIDI page! OOh, I wouldn't mind spearing Brit- EDD:AHEM!
<""> EDD: Keep up to date on all the special offers and free deals on the net!
EDDY: Here you can find some boomin' backgrounds, buttons and titles to download for absolutely nothin! Zero! Zilch
! Visit the website to see even more or check out the designs featured on "Viva Ed Vegas"
Cartoon Dolls!
Helloooooooo dolly! These are so cool, bay-bay! cartoon dolls are thehottest thing on this big ol' web! Check em out here or ovr on Dorkfest!!!
EDDY: Te Gravytrain owes a motha of a portion of its gifs n addons to this tush-tippin' site! You guysGOTTA see this! <--end text_10-->
Rocky Horror Show Official Website!
EDDY: The wierdest but at the same time slickest comedy musical EVER to hit your humdrum lives, the Rocky Horror Show after over 25 years remains an all time tank-kickin dragfest classic! Here you'll find everything ROCKY from character/actor bios, news, memorabilia, events, video clips, a fanclub an you can download the lush Rocky lips to put on your website! Go on waddya waiting for?? |