NOW PLAYING...Sex Bomb-Tom Jones VS Mousse T-Welcome to the bombsite, sweetheart!br>
Hang tight, babygirl! You've officially entered a too-cool zone (you better skidaddle then, Double Dee!) where you'll find links to the sweetest and neatest sites on the whole stinkin' Web-as approved by moi! Now, Seen as it was me who picked most of our music (I mean C'mon, if it was down to Edd we'd all be listening to Mozart or something lame like that) it's here that you'll find the links to the hotspots we snagged 'em from. Do the good thang and call by, there's some top-notch choons worth checking out so scroll on down and take a gander at these corkers (not the first time you've said THAT, huh Eddy?-Edd)

EDDY: ::SINGING VERY BADLY:: You can ring my B-E-E-E-E-E-LLLL, Ring my bell! EDD: I think I'm gonna have a brain haemorrage... ED: Ketchup!
Play That Funky Mus-Ed!
The Midi-Zone
Eddy:This MIDI-Site whoops tank, buddy! Schmooze on in for some grade-a dance, pop n rock mixes like 'Cosmic Girl', 'Music Sounds Better With You' and heaploads more!
Jukebox Saturday Nite
Edd: Much thanks to Bob, the host of this extensive MIDI archive (with over 2800 files!!) for classic tunes such as "Another Day In Paradise" by Phil Collins-here you'll find an excyclopedia of music from all different genres. Be sure to stop by!
Chart Top'n Hip Hop'n Techno Dance MIDI" presented by ~Mystiqal~
Eddy: The freshest RnB and Dance cuts you'll find here, with artists like Christina Aguilera, Moloko, 2Pac, Nate Dogg, Eminem and Anastacia leaving their MIDI mark, you'd be a lumberjack to miss it!!
More MIDIS Page
Edd: Here Eddy was in his element with artists such as Barry White and Earth Wind and Fire-check it out!
Orchard Of oddities Edd: Here you'll find alternative and rock artists such as David Bowie, Sting and the Verve ED: Haircut!
Area 51 MIDI
EDDY: Here Rachel found alot of the MIDIS she used for Viva Ed Vegas, including the fast-paced flamenco track, "Mediterranean Sundance"-it's hot-tubbin, baby!
Edd: A dictionary-style archive of pop, rock, disco, alternative and dance tracks. There we downloaded 'Sultans Of Swing' by Dire Straits and 'Sex Bomb' now fitting, Eddy...hmm!
Papa's Got A Brand New Ed Tom Jones-Official Website
EDDY:Here you'll find everything you need to know about the welsh warbler, You're in the presence of royalty, bub...oh and, check out this website! !
F U N K Y - S T U F F - James Brown HomepageEDDY: Get your keester to the official homepage of the Sex Machine himself-no, not me, ladies! James might be getting on a bit, but here's where you'll find the resume, history and discology of him and other Soul greats!