NOW PLAYING...If I Could Change The World-Eric Clapton-I'd re-vamp Eddy's Ego and Ed's personal hygiene for a start...then I'd put an end to this infernal blushing I get whenever I'm around Rach...oh my...I just said that out loud didn't I?!?
Edd:greetings, everyone! Well, I searched high and low for just the right links to include on my personal page but I think I've done it! From social science to sticky notes, I present to you my favourite links-enjoy!

EDDY: Looks like you've got a soaker there, Edward! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!
When Does it Edd?
Edd:Wherever possible I always promote education and current affairs, and such a page as this would go unjustified without a link to the most extensive news channel in the world-click and learn! Eddy: You're a riot, Double Dee!
Jane Austen Society Of North America
Edd: Without a doubt one of the most remarkable authors the world has ever encountered, Jane Austen wrote novels such as "Pride And Prejudice" and "Emma" (Gwyneth Paltrow starred in a movie version not so long ago...((sigh)) ) loaded with sarcasm and satirical wit at the expense of her fellow 18th Century upper-class. Entertaining and poignant, here one will find Austen's stories, bio and lots more interesting information. Personally, I find myself deeply enamoured with Elizabeth Bennet from P.A.P,she has such a command of situation! Eddy: Um...can somebody translate?
Ed:Would you like milk with that?
Ant Farm Central
Edd: Oh happy Day! Ants never cease to enthrall me, and this website is by no means an exception. Crawl through this collection of various types of ant farms and kits, perfect for any budding ant farmer!
Infinite Energy Magazine On-Line
Edd: Rapture! An online cold fusion information resource, and home of Infinite Energy Magazine, focusing on new developments in the field of chemically assisted nuclear reactions! Eddy: Looks like you've got competition, Ed! Ed: I am a nucleus! Hug Me!
You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown-Official Site Edd-Official site about the Broadway Musical featuring everyone's favorite toon beagle, Snoopy and his owner Charlie Brown. Oh Brother! Ed: Sarah bad for Ed!
Courtesy counts at the dinner table: Kids can learn table etiquette
by Rosemary Herbert
Edd: Take a hint, you two! Eddy: Oh please, the chickies are too busy moony-eying me to notice what fork I'm using! Edd:That's if you use one at all! Remember the time you thought you were on a date with Nazz...I was so mortified for you, you had more macaroni on that cliche dressingown than in your mouth! EDDY: ooh, I'd share my macaroni with Nazz anyday...woof woof!Anyway, it was ED using the fork, not me! EDD: enough said...
Words Can Change the World
Edd:And this masterpiece of a website is no exception. Browse some heartfelt poetry and literature here and wallow in the sentiment-Bliss! Enough of the Casablanca stuff, Romeo, but yeah, this site ROCKS! It's even got its own Fate Seeker-kinda like an on-line magic 8 ball-you ask it yes/no questions and it answers ya faster than you can say "Christina Aguilera's Bra" and believe me guys, I can say that pretty fast...he-he-he-he!!
Logical Works Graphics Site
hundreds of graphics, buttons and backgrounds for your web-building pleasure. Why, the background on this very page was one of many intruiging templates we found in Logicwork's archive. They also have an extensive collection of buttons, borders and cute pictures to spice up your site-what are you waiting for, check it out!
Neon City
Download some tank-whoopin' neon graphics which can be seen here and at Dorkfest-check 'em out! |