NOW PLAYING...Cheryl Crow-Winding Road-EDD: Guess who's on the outside lane, folks!
Hey, i'm not finished yet! There's a heap load of internet wilderness out there and I don't intend on leaving a stone unturned, so here's my 2nd page jam-packed with my favourite links!

EDDY: I'll give you three to let go of me, frillydraws!!
When Does it Edd?
Planet Electra
Edd:The good good people of Planet Electra cyber cafe of Liverpool have got pretty aquainted with Rach over the past few months as its there where she gets alot of her pictures scanned. A brand spanking new website with lots of info and an up-and-coming links page is underway, so drop by and say hello...tell 'em double dee sent ya!
Boardhost-Create Your Own Free Messageboard
Edd: We created our SayWhen messageboard through Boardhost! They're flexible and fun so we give it thumbs up!
B.A.D Graphics
For examples of the lovely backgrounds on offer please visit the RachnEds and Cul-De-Sac Shots page! We were delighted! EDDY: Good thing you're housebroken!
Edd: On-line lessons in Biology written by a Biology teacher (Nigel Purchon) with 31 years experience. There are many topics in Biology covered. Site is most useful for UK students, but of use to others also. My, I love knowledge! EDDY: Hey double dee...Rach only got a C in her Science GCSE y'know! EDD: W-www-what? That's outrageous! There must be some...some...mistake, Eddy! Please! Say it's not true! EDD: Oh's true! I know I would've managed an A* in one particular area of science....haw haw haw!!! EDD: Yes, well we'll leave THAT to the imagination, won't we, young man!?! ED: Wrestling!!!
GCSE Answers' Mathematics Department EDD:Tutorials, tips and advice on GCSE Mathematics for students, parents and teachers. EDDY:Double Dee...would it scar you for life if I told you Rach only got an E in maths? EDD: Well, yes it would... EDDY: Good, Double dee cos she did! EDD: Oh demure yet so...mentally stagnant, for a better word! I won't be able to sleep tonight, Eddy! EDDY: Insomnia's been a friend of mine since I met Rach...miaow!!
Eddy: Now this is more like it! Serve me the answers pipin' hot baby! None of that revision bull for me, no-sir-ee! EDD : Actually Eddy, this site offers Tutorials, tips and advice on GCSE English, Mathematics, Sciences and Modern Languages, not the answers as such. EDDY: Bit of a mis-print then, innit? There was me thinking I could jib studying all together!!
Easy Start Algebra
Edd:Award winning tutorials, tips, and advice on algebra. MY, how intruiging can algebra get! It's very psychological too, y'know! It exercises your problem solving skills! I could literally do algebra all day! EDDY: Ed, are you bored...cos i'm ready to bust an artery over here! ED:I'm problem solving, Eddy!
The Last Minute! Software Company
EDD:ReviseNOW is a software study aid to help prepare for the GCSE. EDDY: Perfect for us renegade masters who are too busy being gorgeous to revise! EDD: Why must you promote lethargic learning, Eddy! I mean, talk about tactless anarchy! EDDY:...Um...I can't, I dunno what it means!
EDDY: Oh yeah, bout time we got off the boring school stuff, sockhead! EDD: This website provides all the facts about where you live in England and Wales, including property prices, top GCSE and A-Level schools, Council Tax rates, crime clear-up rates and ambulance response times. EDDY:...I hate my life. |