NOW PLAYING...Sister Sledge-We Are family ::SINGING::I've got all your sisters with me!-Eddy Edd: Oh here we go...
Edd:Salutations to you and welcome to our Ed-Site links page!Y'know, it never ceases to amaze me how many of you good good people put so much effort into building such brilliant fanpages devoted to us and other cartoons. Endless thanks from us, the Eds!

EDDY: We're fully-fledged celebs Double Dee! Man...this is the big one! domination and....yeah, well that'll do me actually! Throw in Britney Spears and we might be negotiating, baybee!! Edd: Don't ask for much, do you Eddy?
Ed On The good Foot
EDD: Revising what is the question...anyway, I soon put a screeching halt to Kevin's propaganda and ironically what was once an Ed-hating database is now one of the most popular Ed-sites on-line! EDDY: Get your money-maker down there pronto!
Peach Creek
Eddy: Breathe the groove, sweetheart! This is definitely one of my fave haunts with its Eds interviews, bios, fanart, links and everything an EdHead could wish for!
Ed Edd n Eddy mailing List
Eddy: Schmooze on in and chat about the Eds, schedules, Cartoon Network, Dan-The-Man Antonucci or anything you darn like, really! Knock yourself out!
Ed Edd n Eddy Yahoo! With over 100 members this is the post with the most, baybee!!
Edd:And Mega it is, ladies and gentlemen! Including some humourous comparisons with us and the three Stooges (coincidental, you say?), Peter Kelamis (Rolf) is in the hot-seat on the interview page, it also has some great artowrk and even though it hasn't been updated in a while, it's definitely worth a look!
Ed Edd n Eddy's Inner Circle!
How much more exclusive can yer get, sweetheart??
MainFrame Voice Actors
Here you'll find the resumes of some of our resident AKA actors and loads more! You'd be surprised who does the voices of who in this job!
Tjenni's Shameless Ed Edd n Eddy Site
Eddy: Shameless and proud, Tjenni's website rules with its cheap humour (the way we like it, bay-bee!), multimedia, pics, growing fanfic and fanart section and it shows no signs of slowing down! Get your skates on, daddy-o! |