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![]() *+~RIGHT-CLICK ON THE PAGE FOR MENU~+* NOW PLAYING-Riders On The Storm-The Doors poignant, ain't it??-Eddy Wow, you mean you ACTUALLY can find a dictionary among that library of bikini mags in your room, Eddy?-Edd I'm not gracing that with an answer, smartypants...-Eddy ![]() PIC BY RACH Eddy: So, all you ranters and ravers! Got some steam you wanna let off? ED: The bathroom's over there, Eddy! EDDY: Um, YOU were in it 10 minutes ago Burrhead, I won't come back out alive! For concact info n the like you've come to the right place, bay-bee! This is the page where you'll find all the info necessary to let the bigwigs at CN and the dudes at AKA just how much you love (no not HATE, that ain't in my vocab, sweetheart!) or hip-swingin' crumpet magnet of a show, and of course, how much you ladies would contemplate suicide if CN deprived your Eddy-lovin' hearts of yours truly! Whether you wanna shout your mouth off about how tragically turmoiled you all were that your Eddy-fest was cut short like a burrhead on CNUS to the big cheeses at Cartoon Network, or you wanna drop a line to Dan-The-Man Antonucci or any of the other Edheads that make our show so buttered-toast-tastic, just scroll down and you'll have all you need to get your point across-don't forget-listen to the sound of my voice...when I snap my fingers...you will...ur... write a HUGE essay on how much you ladies want to marry Eddy, and how his swagger gets your tiger feet tappin' and...::giggles insanely::...h-h-how cute you think Nazz and Eddy would look together...oh yeah, you want MORE BIKINI SHOTS OF NAZZ!!!!!!! hha-h--haaha-ha-ha!! ::starts frothing at mouth:: oh and don't forget Kevin's got a face like a monkey's hairy a- EDD: That'll suffice, Eddy! I think you've made your point! (pant) I've told you before about sharing \ your fantasies about N-n-n-n-NAZZ! ((pant!-pant!-Pant!)) I won't be able to sleep tonight, thank you very much, Eddy! Okay Double D...it's okay...breathe deeply...just think... KANKERS!....okay....okay...phew, it's gone...i'm okay now. Um...where am I? Oh yes- Be sure to drop us a line with your thoughts n suggestionswrite to us on anything, from comments about the GravyTrain, the show, AKA, the other ed-tastic Edsites or anything you wish to discuss with us, the Eds! You can also e-mail Rachel at Rachel@Eddzone.zzn.com. Till then, happy surfing !!! Go to our brand new FAQ section to ask any question you like! Ed: I wandered lonely as a cloud! Edd: Here's the address for those of you wishing to write to Cartoon Network with your comments, complaints or general thoughts and suggestions regarding the show. Not one to play the martyr, I must address to you all that Ed, Edd and Eddy, once season 4 is completed, will...cease production ::sniffle:: Eddy: What?!? No-no-no!!!! What are all those poor Eddy groupies- I mean, viewers gonna do?!? They can't allow this to happen! I'm too young...and handsome! I don't wanna retire, old people scare me!!! Ed: I don't LIKE tapioca, Eddy! Edd: That's right, gentlemen, and I use that term lightly. So what should our viewers do...? Eddy: um...order 100 pizzas and send it to Cartoon Network with extra anchovies to stink 'em out? Yeah, that'll teach em!! Ed: Blow off in their phone booth and run away? Edd: Nnnnnnnnnnnnno. For those of our viewers who don't have the brain span of a fruit fly...::looks sarcastically at Ed and Eddy:: I suggest they put pen to paper and let the hard-working folks at Cartoon Network exactly how they feel. Remember, please employ politeness when you write. Although Eddy would personally like to seal some people-who shall remain nameless-in concrete and dunk them in the North Sea for actions such as this, you are talking to educated adults. Your compliments while getting your point across will be greatly appreciated. Tell Cartoon network how much you enjoyed Ed edd n Eddy and how you thought it stood out to their other shows...maybe they should use it for their basis of comparison when signing new shows in the future. Here's the CN Address: Cartoon Network 1050 Techwood Drive, NW Atlanta, GA 30318 address your letter to one of the following: Betty Cohen, President, CN Worldwide Rob Sorcher, Exec Vice President Mike Lazzo, Senior Vice President of Programming Linda Simensky, Vice President of Original Animation Eddy: A good idea would be to write to several or all of the above. Your letter may have more impact on one person than the other, your letter might just be the clincher! Get those pens moving! Ed: But I can't dance, Eddy! Edd: a thousand thank-yous to Axey for the contact information- it was truly invaluable! Eddy: he-he-he-he...she can change my bedpan anytime! Edd: Oh no, what have I done... Edd: Feel free to contact, Danny, Mike, Jono or any other of the good good people of AKA. They're nice, down-to-earth fellows and LOVE to hear your comments and general thoughts on the show. in the words of Tony Sampson ...(my stand-in, boys and girls! With a lifestyle like mine, a guys GOTTA have a lackie!-Eddy) on his visit to the Jaw-dropping Eddzone..."It's fans like you that make the show what it is" ...so go on, let them know what a great bunch you are! Write to AKA-the other Ed-Boys! AKA Cartoon 200-220 Cambie Street Vancouver,BC, V6B 2M9 Canada Contact by e-mail Edd : Remember it's important to maintain manners. They won't pay attention to hot-headed profanity or threatening hate mail- Eddy: Darn it! Edd: Snail-mail makes the most impact, e-mails tend to be overlooked as good in intention as they are. To make the most powerful impact you can we suggest writing by post. E-mails are good all the same if postal comments can't be done. Good luck and please let us know of any developments! Ed: This one's for you, penelope! Even though I'm afraid Danny Antonucci himself confirmed at Christmas 2001 Season 4 would be our last shout, be sure to know its been a fun 3 years and the Gravytrain will roll on, even if the show itself goes to the big reel vault in the sky, which heaven forbid it will...*sniff* pass that listings paper Eddy, I better start hunting for a job while i'm ahead! ED: You're a head of what Double Dee?!? The turtle-picking leprecauns from planet zipundone?!? AAARGH!! Eddy! Eddy-Eddy-Eddy! Gerrim away! ![]() Photo Of Danny Antonucci kind courtesy of Dorkfest ![]()
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