NOW PLAYING...Safri Duo-Played-A-Live-Ooga Chaka Ooga Ooga!-ED

EDD: Loni brings Cajun To The Cul-De-Sac in her tales of Jawbreakers, tribes , EDolescents and...Eddy as Ginger Spice?!?-PIC BY LONI
EDD:We meet new girl Loni and learn the lesson "One Ed In The Hand Is Worth Two in The Bush"
EDD: Things go slight disarray as an off-beat scam turns ito full-blown aboriginal adventures in the cul-de-sac!
EDDY:The classic story is violated well and truly when we, the Eds, narrate! Yeah baby!
EDD:A life as vengeful seniors awaits us and quite a few things have changed...(PG mild language)
EDD: Loneliness as an only child is stronger than ever as I stumble onto feelings I never knew why I manifested....spooky!

EDDY: We give those pesky powerpuffs a run for their money! A story about it, why doncha??
 EDDY: We schwing it, shake it, move it in make it with Loni and a cameo appearance from the driver herself,Rach, when we team up to form the Cul-De-Sac's answer to the Spice Girls! Ed Power!(Cheers Loni!-Rach)